Prof. Dr. Silke Heuse studied psychology at the Free University of Berlin with a focus on health psychology. She then deepened her interest in the interface between psychology and medicine by completing her doctorate at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and her training in psychological psychotherapy with a specialization in cognitive behavioral therapy. In 2018, Prof. Dr. Silke Heuse was appointed to the University of Europe for Applied Sciences, where she has since pursued her passion for training the next generation of psychologists by coordinating and teaching in the psychology program, as well as her research interest in the prevention of mental and somatic illness through health behaviors and stress management.
Applying the Job Demands-Resources Model to the educational context, we investigate which role part-time employment plays next to health-care professional students’ education-specific demands and resources in the prediction of perceived stress. In this cross-sectional study, data from N = 161 health-care students were analysed, testing moderation models. Education-specific demands were associated with higher and education-specific resources with lower amounts of perceived stress. Part-time employment functioned as moderator, i.e. demands were less associated with stress experiences in students who were employed part-time. Identifying part-time employment as a resource rather than a demand illustrates the need to understand students’ individual influences on stress. Both educators and students will benefit from reflecting these resources to support students’ stress management.
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2020, English
7 pages